
Compilation of trains led by ATN Tasrail DQ class locomotives in early 2002
- 15/01/2002: DQ2012-DQ2005-DQ2002 & train #336 at Bridgewater and Brighton
- 30/01/2002: DQ2011-D2021-DQ2006 & train #432 at Bridgewater and Brighton
- 30/01/2002: DQ2007-QR2062-DQ2009 & train #436 at Rogerville and Tea Tree
- 11/02/2002: DQ2011-D2021-ZR2101 & train #232 at Brighton
- 25/02/2002: DQ2006-DQ2008-D2021 & train #231 at Rogerville
- 14/03/2002: DQ-QR-DQ & train #36 at Derwent Park
- 24/03/2002: DQ2011-QR2102-DQ2003 & train #166 at Chigwell and Bridgewater
Photographer: Stuart Dix

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