Railway Preservation in Tasmania

Derwent Valley Railway

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X18 returning to New Norfolk from the Rocks, as part of an open day. 20 December 1997 © Michael Dix

The Derwent Valley Railway Preservation Society was formed with the aim of operating passenger excursion trains on Tasrail's Derwent Valley Line. The society is based at New Norfolk, 38 km northwest of Hobart. Unfortunately no trains are operated at the present time.

The collection includes 8 locos, 9 carriages and 11 wagons.

A full rollingstock list may be found here

Contact Details:

PO Box 478
New Norfolk
Tasmania 7140

See their internet site for more information

Local Map
Regional Map

Photos and Videos

There are 16 matching items
H2 stands at the head of it train after arrival at National Park on an excursion train in September
Derwent Valley Railway Y2 at Derwent Park - Its passenger carrying over for the day, Y2 leads the em
In August 2001, the Derwent Valley Railway's locomotive Y2 and a short train is seen passing the loo
Derwent Valley Railway Australia Day excursion - On Australia Day 2002, Y2 and X18 haul a Derwent Va
Derwent Valley Railway locomotives X18 and Y2 approach Hobart with empty stock to form a Father Day
On 1 November 2002, Derwent Valley Railway's Y2 leads an evening charter away from Bridgwater statio
Shunting loco U5 at the head of a work train near Boyer, April 2004
Society members clearing overgrown scrub near Boyer, April 2004
The Derwent Valley Railway would often hire locomotives and carriages from the Tasmanian Transport M
X18 at the head of charter train to National Park, November 2003
Y2 arrives at New Norfolk with a train from Hayes, November 2003
Y2 and X18 haul a charter train through Hayes, November 2004. The rear carriages (red and cream pain
X18 departs New Norfolk station with the service for National Park, while Y4 waits in the loop to ha
H2 undergoing major overhaul at New Norfolk, December 2004
X18 under restoration, April 2009
Locomotives H2, EBR 21 and Y2 stand outside the Derwent Valley Railway's New Norfolk depot, May 2016

dividing rule

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Page last updated: July 28, 2021, 00:24:08
Page URL: http://railtasmania.com/pres/group.php?id=dv
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