To commemorate forty years since the cessation of regular passenger services in Tasmania in 1978, we present a number of photographs from various collections related to the Tasman Limited and associated services.
The eastbound Tasman Limited arriving at Deloraine, March 1964 [Tasmanian Transport Museum collection] |
The southbound Tasman Limited lead by X28 passes H3 on a tour train (itself comprised of spare Tasman Limited stock) at Antill Ponds, March 1965 [Tasmanian Transport Museum collection] |
Around 1970, two red X class lead the eastbound train across the Leven River at Ulverstone [TGR] |
The Tasman Limited would often be lengthened using spare stock for the benefit of group bookings. In October 1973, Y6 and Y3 lead the train north through the Hobart suburb of Glenorchy. On this occasion the train contained three of the four ACS carriages as well as the usual ancillary vehicles [David Verrier] |
X31 and X23 class lead the eastbound Tasman Limited around the foreshore at Penguin, December 1976 [Michael Dix] |
The next day, X5 & X11, without the customary headboard, lead the southbound service near Epping Forrest [Michael Dix] |
The numerically stronger X class is usually associated with the train, however the use of Y locomotives on the train was not unusual particularly when their greater power or fuel capacity was utilised. In this photo Y5 & Y2 lead the train south though the Hobart suburb of Chigwell in January 1978 [Michael Dix] |
As Burnie was primarily an Emu Bay Railway station, the Tasman Limited operated to/from the TGRs station at Wynyard, some 19 km west. In February 1978, X3 and X24 wait for departure time at Wynyard station. [David Verrier] |
The end
As well as the Tasman Limited, the TGR also operated a Parattah-Hobart railcar service, which by 1978 was operating on alternate Fridays. The final morning service, on 21 July 1978, is shown here stabled on the Derwent Valley line while the northbound Tasman Limited runs through the platform at Bridgewater [Michael Dix] |
DP29 and DP26 sit at Hobart station after the arrival of the final Parattah to Hobart morning railcar service [Michael Dix] |
The two Tasman Limited trains and the "feeder" from Launceston all met at Western Junction in a combination of moves that would give modern railway safety managers a great deal of headaches. On the second last day of trains, all three services are shown here at Western Junction [David Verrier] |
The final westbound train, led by X29 and X17, heads through Bengeo. Due to the number of passengers on this day, both trains included other passenger stock including former suburban carriages, the heavyweight Clyde built carriages from the 1930s, and even wooden bodied carriage BBL12 [Michael Dix] |
Life after death
The Derwent Valley Railway eventually acquired three of the ACS carriages as well as a number of X and Y locomotives. In November 2004, Y2 and X18 lead a special train through Hayes on the Derwent Valley line [Stuart Dix] |
The Tasmanian Transport Museum and the Bellarine Peninsula Railway (Victoria) each acquired articulated railmotors that inaugurated the Tasman Limited and also provided the Launceston to Western Junction feeder service for many years. TTMS owned DP26 is pictured departing Western Junction on a charter to Burnie in February 2005 [Stuart Dix] |
The Don River Railway has obtained guards van DZ2 and incomplete DA1 car/van. The DZ is pictured with an earlier Clyde built AAR on a charter in 2003
[Stuart Dix] |
The other ACS carriage is located at the "Margate Train" south of Hobart, where it is used as a cafe. The train consists of steam locomotive MA3, carriage ACS 1, four SS class suburban carriages and a DP class railcar. [Michael Dix] |