What is available?
This list outlines the various pieces of rolling stock available to
modellers of Tasmanian prototype. The three major scale/gauge combinations
used to represent 3'6" gauge are dealt with individually in increasing
size. Two foot gauge items that would be suitable for Tasmanian prototypes are
listed separately
The small number in each category, and spread of eras depicted mean that
whatever the choice of scale, extensive compromise, kit bashing and/or scratch building
will still be required to achive a proper balance.
Links to manufacturers web-sites can be found here
HOn3½ Scale
Combining the popular 3.5mm:1 foot of HO scale with 12mm gauge track first developed
for TT gauge gives a close representation of the correct narrow gauge. The availability of
suitable track and running gear is limited and expensive, but increasing.
Black Diamond Models
- Diesel locomotives - Ready to run
- QR 2350 Class - Built to order and available decorated as Tasrail ZB class on request. 12mm or 16.5mm gauge
Ian Lindsay Models
- Diesel locomotives - Kit
- QR 1300 Class - Tasrail ZC class
Wuiske Models
- Diesel locomotives - Kit
- QR 1300 Class - Tasrail ZC class
- QR 1460 Class - ATN QR class or used as basis for DQ class
- QR 1502 Class - Use long hood as basis for DQ class
- Diesel Locomotives - Ready to run
- SAR/AN 830 Class - Some liveries suitable for Tasmanian 830 class. A limited edition model of 852 with Tasrail lettering was produced some years ago but is no longer available. Models come with 16.5mm
gauge mechanism only, replacement underframes for 12mm gauge are available from a number of manufacturers including Hollywood Foundry. Trainorama have announced the production of a new 830 class model, including 858 which operated in Tasmania (although additional ANR letting is expected to be required)
Broad Gauge Bodies
- Rolling Stock - Kit
- SAR OB class / ANR AOGA class - CE class open wagon. See Australian Model Railway
Magazine, Issue 118,
for an article on this conversion. Orient Express Reproductions have released a ready-to-run model of the OB wagons, although some modifications would need to be made as the models represent South Australian wagons
- The similar AKKL kit can be used to represent later modifications made to CE and OE class wagons,
such as removal of doors and body panels
- SAR FB class flat wagon - These wagons were the basis of the later FD class log wagons used by AN and Tasrail. Heavy duty stanchions would need to be constructed to complete the conversion
- Steam locomotives - Kit
- SAR T class - Brass and white metal kit representing these locomotives late in their South Australian lives. Six
of this class operated in Tasmania from 1921 to about 1960, although the model features the enlarged tender and extended smoke box which differ significantly from the Tasmanian locomotives
Tasman Models (also trading as WD Models)
These kits are no longer available new
- Rolling Stock - Kit
- C class, 4 wheel open wagon (two releases)
- E class, 4 wheel covered van (two releases)
- H class, 4 wheel cattle wagon
- DB class, bogie guards van
OO or 4mm Scale
Using standard 16.5mm gauge track with 4mm scale bodies, the gauge comes out 2.5mm too
wide, although many HO scale bogies and wagons now come out to being very close to
size for their narrow gauge prototypes.
The availability of many useful items in 4mm scale for the UK maket has made OO a
popular choice for modellers, particularly when building larger prototypes such
as bogie vehicles or large collections of stock. The similarity in physical size
of the models has also made this a popular choice for those wishing to have
collections of Tasmanian models and standard gauge prototype sharing a
Many HO scale detail parts can be used, particularly where the are produced
oversize for strength, or where smaller styles were used in Tasmania
Local modeller Simon Handby has sold small numbers of 4mm scale kits at various Tasmanian Exhibitions. Kits sold have included X class locomotives, DB class guards vans, CA and CC class bogie open wagons, and A, C and D class four wheel open wagons.
Bachmann Branchlines
- Diesel Locomotives - Ready to run
- 04 Class - With a repaint, this model best represents TGR V7 and
V8. Other locos can be
represented by modifying the cab and windows.
The Airfix & Dapol kits of the same prototype are also suitable, although
unpowered and less detailed. A good impression of the outside framed TGR
locos can be achieved by the addition of painted counterweights on the
outside of the model's wheels
High Level Kits produce a replacement underframe kit for these bodies (although still for 16.5mm and wider gauges), and includes some additional detail parts
Other conversions
- Rolling Stock
- Hornby side door clerestory coaches - With a repaint, new bogies & foot boards
these carriages are close to the TGRs AB & BA carriages.
- Ratio side door clerestory coach kits - With various modifications (as per Hornby
Models) these carriages are close to many of the TGRs AA, BB and other types of
- Roundhouse old-timer pullman car - With a repaint, this kit is close to TGR
carriages (Ex North Mt Lyell Railway) BA49 and BA50.
- Bogie tank wagons, various manufacturers - See AMRM 170 for an article on
converting proprietary models into TGR and AN era models. Both single and three dome tanks
of different manufacture have been successfully used.
Sn3½ Scale
Another scale with the correct track gauge, and probably the longest
established. Most HO scale bogies available are too small for use in S scale. Compared to the
other scales, little in the way of products or components are available, other than from
specialist American, Australian or New Zealand suppliers of S scale items.
A magazine devoted to this scale is available called Australian Sn Modeller
- Steam locomotives - kits
- Western Australian G Class - With minor modifications, this etched brass and whitemetal kit represents
the TGR C class steam engine
Vanguard Kitsets
- Steam locomotives - Kit
- New Zealand WF Class - With minor modifications, this etched brass and
white metal kit
represents the TGR and Mt Lyell DS class steam engines. Out of
Alwyn Models
- Steam locomotives - Kit
- TGR G Class garratt – The CLTB designed Australian Standard Garratt locomotives
were operated in
5 states following their construction during WWII.
O Scale
Milestone Miniatures
- Diesel locomotives - Kit
- TGR U Class - This kit is based on the TGR U class diesel shunter. The kit is primarily marketed for the more
freelance O scale standard gauge market, and the kit has a number of differences from the prototype.
O-Aust Kits / Bergs Hobbies
- Diesel locomotives - Kit
- NSW 48 Class - This kit is based on the standard gauge NSW 48 class diesel locomotives. This class is very similar to the 830 class operated by AN in the 1980s.
Bachmann produce a lovely, although expensive model of the British Rail 04 class shunter in their Brassworks line. As with the OO scale model, some modifications would be required to represent the TGR V class
2' Gauge Prototypes
- Steam locomotives - Kit
- K Class – OO9 and On2 (7mm) scale kits for the two TGR narrow gauge K class garratts are available in
Etched brass construction from Backwoods Miniatures
Also a whitemetal kit of same prototype by Golden Arrow
and in G scale from Garden Railway Specialists (all UK based manufacturers)
- Krauss locomotives - The Model Company of New Zealand in produces a brass and whitemetal kit in On2 for these 0-4-0 tank engines, with details included to enable assembly as Mt Lyell locomotives
- Diesel locomotives - Kit
- Malcolm Moore locomotives - A whitemetal kit in O scale is manufactured by The Model Company of New Zealand. These locomotives were used in Tasmania by the Commonwealth Carbide Ltd at their Lune River quarry
Useful parts
HO Scale
- Many items produced for the Australian, American and European markets, including
scenic items, detail parts & containers
- TT scale underframes, mechanisms and track from UK and European
- Peco and other European brands of 12mm gauge track (HOm)
OO Scale
- Many items produced for the British market, including wagon and carriage fittings
- Many HO scale detail items & buildings are also suitable
- Steam Era Models bogies & underframes
- Athearn locomotive underframes & bogies
- Peco Streamline track
- Bachmann produce a modern 20’ shipping container, decorated in a number of liveries seen on current trains
S Scale
- Items produced for the New Zealand, or specialty American markets, such as people, and detail parts
- Peco "Individulay" track