Some relevant model railway sites from around the world:
For more prototype & Tasmanian links, and plenty of Tasmanian railway information
see the RailTasmania.com website
We have compiled a complete listing of
Tasmanian articles published in the Australian Model Rail Magazine.
Some other groups and layouts
Magazine Indices
Manufacturers and Retailers
- American based makers of very useful diesel underframes and wagons
Bachmann Branchline
- Manufacturer of British locomotives and rolling stock, including an 04 class diesel (close to a TGR V class)
Black Diamond Models
- Manufacturer of ready to run (made to order only) Queensland locomotives in HOn3.5, plus similar locos elsewhere such as Tasrail ZB class
Bob's Models & Hobbies
- Another Sydney based retailer. (Formerly known as Tom's Hobbies)
- Manufacturer of DCC decoders and control equipment
- Makers of ready to run Brazilian and other prototype locomotives and rolling stock in both HO and OO scales. Some items have potential for conversion to Tasmanian prototype
- A well loved manufacturer, with the occasional useful product
Ian Lindsay Models
- Manufacturer of various Australian prototype kits in HO scale including QR 1300 class locomotive body
Lanarkshire Models & Supplies
- A UK supplier of detail parts, including their own range of buffers
Model Railroad Craftsman
- A Sydney model shop, with plenty of bits for the scratchbuilder.
- Manufacturer of DCC decoders and control equipment
Peco Models
- Makers of most of our track & points, and many other scenic objects
Powerline Models
- Their 830 class diesels are available in a couple of Tasmanian colour schemes, and also make a range of other Australian products.
SM Railway Hobbies
- Soon to relocate back to Tasmania, the manufacturer of Hand-Held Controllers, as used on Glenrose.
Steam Era Models
- Manufacturer of Victorian prototype kits, and range of very useful wheels, bogies and detail parts
- The supplier of many things American
Wuiske Models
- Manufacturer of many Queensland prototype items, as well as bogies and other components for HOn3.5 modelling
Other general sites of interest
Model Railroad electronics
- Best described as a library of electronic circuits, you will either love this site or not understand a word of it!