RailTasmania.Com - Tasmanian locomotives

X & XA Class

TGR outline diagram for XA class locos (L29)

The TGR X class was the first mainline diesel-electric locomotive purchased by an Australian government railway system. These 32 locomotives replaced steam locomotives on most mainline trains, although steam locomotives still saw occasional use on various secondary and special services up to 1975. Tenders were called in 1946 for five or ten diesel locos, and this was let later in the year to the English Electric Company in the UK for ten locos. A second batch of ten were ordered following the 1948 review, and finally a third batch of twelve were ordered in 1949. All locos were ordered well before construction had commenced of the first units. The locos were delivered in a continuous stream between September 1950 and December 1952, with the first twenty being constructed at the Vulcan Foundry works and the final twelve being built at EE's own Dick Kerr works. The locos initially operated singularly (where they were slightly less powerful, although faster than the 1920s built steam locos they were to replace), or coupled in pairs with a single crew which where their true benefits lay. By the 1970s, it was not uncommon for three X, XA or Y locomotives to operate together, although when an X class locomotive was involved the others were down rated to this lower haulage capacity.

Five X class were rewired between 1961 and 1970 to give better operation at low speed with the more powerful Y class locomotives then being constructed. The unmodified X locos were susceptible to overheating when hauling heavy trains on long grades, and the modifications made them more suitable to operation on the southern part of the Main Line. Other modifications to both X and XA class locomotives included the fitting of automatic couplers and sliding windows.

Delivered in a plain dark green (later relived with a cream strip and or chevron), all were progressively painted red and cream from about 1954. From 1971 the standard colour scheme was yellow with black stripes and four locos were repainted AN green from 1981Despite the influx of locomotives from South Australia and then Queensland, the last of the locos was not removed from service until 1988 when the final vacuum braked general freight services ended.

See also:



Other identities

Previous IdentityClass & NumberATN NumberPost Identity
 X9 XA1 
 X12 XA2 
 X14 XA3 
 X22 XA4 
 X28 XA5 
X9 XA1  
X12 XA2  
X14 XA3  
X22 XA4  
X28 XA5  

Class photos, sounds and video

There are 51 matching items

TGR outline diagram for X class locos (L22)
English Electric 6SRKT motor, with main and auxiliary generators attached, as depicted in an EE tend
X class and other overseas locomotives under construction in the UK
English Electric's builders photo for the TGR X class
New locomotives X4 and X5 on a test run from Launceston to Western Junction pause at Relbia. The tra
X16 was exhibited at the <i>Festival of Britain</i> in London before shipping to Tasmania. It was di
TGR X12, in a modified version of the original all green livery, at the opening of the Launceston di
An English Electric advertisement from a 1956 trade publication
TGR outline diagram for XA class locos (L29)
X1 places the carriage stock (DB-ACS-ABD) at the platform at Devonport station in preparation for a
The southbound Tasman Limited lead by X28 passes H3 on a tour train (itself comprised of spare Tasma
X3 undergoes steam cleaning as part of an overhaul at Launceston Workshops, early 1970s
X32 and another member of the class sit at the year of a southbound goods train at Conara, sometime
XA5 outside Hobart roundhouse, early 1970s
X13 and a lone C wagon sit in Conara Junction yard, early 1970s
X8 and X10 haul the westbound <em>Tasman Limited</em> through Howth. February 1974
With only weeks of suburban services left to run, X17 leads the 4:30pm workers train out though the
X16 and X20 head the second last northbound Tasman Limited through Conara Junction on 27 July 1978
With a year of service left to go, X2 sits outside the workshops at Launceston as it receives some m
Freshly repainted into AN corporate Green, X21 sits outside the Diesel workshops in Launceston, Marc
Having had its bogies steam cleaned, an extremely dirty X25 waits for attention at Launceston Worksh
On a foggy Launceston morning in June 1981, a very clean U3 shunts a rather grubby X31 around the tu
X18, X27 & X3 cross the Brid River at Lietinna. October 1981
X21 unloads the cement train at Devonport on 15 April 1982
X3 sits outside the diesel workshops at Launceston, August 1983
X26 sits in the steam cleaning area at Launceston workshops
X20 sits outside the Diesel workshops in Launceston
X1 waits on the mainline at Glenorchy whilst the track is slewed to allow access to the TTMS track o
The valuable motor and generator are craned away from the remains of X25 marking the end of its life
The end of the line for X32. Launceston workshops, October 1988
X loco leaving Hobart
One of the more interesting liveries to be carried by X locomotives was this free-lanced blue livery
Having just arrived from Queenscliff attached to the regular passenger train, X3 and X20 wait in the
In November 2002, the Derwent Valley Railway's locomotive X18 is seen at New Norfolk shunting from t
Don River Railway locomotive X4 hauls a short tour train past Botanical Gardens
Derwent Valley Railway locomotives X18 and Y2 approach Hobart with empty stock to form a Father Day
Derwent Valley Railway's X18 waits at New Norfolk before setting back onto its train
X18 at the head of charter train to National Park, November 2003
Derwent Valley Railway's X18 waits at National Park during shuting operations, November 2003
The final twelve X class were constructed at the Dick Kerr (Preston) works of English Electric, and
Cab side numbers and English Electric builders plate fitted to X18 (Derwent Valley Railway)
Cabside plates on X1
Bellarine Peninsular Railway's X20 at Queenscliff, Victoria - November 2007
Bellarine Peninsular Railway's X3 at Queenscliff, Victoria - November 2007
Main drivers position of X1, October 2008
Secondary drivers position of X1, October 2008
Museum locomotives X1 and Y4 operate in multiple as part of the celebrations for the 25th anniversar
X1 stretches it legs for the first time in many years at the Tasmanian Transport Museum, December 20
X1 stretches it legs for the first time in many years at the Tasmanian Transport Museum, December 20
Front of X4 at Don River Railway; April 2010
The Australian Iron and Steel company of Port Kembla in New South Wales obtained eight English Elect


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