RailTasmania.Com - Tasmanian locomotives

TR class

TR16 as trailing unit on train #731, January 2015

In March 2011, TasRail called for Expression of Interest in the supply of new locomotives. Details of the requirements were not been made public but are believed to be for conventionally or "gen-set" powered locomotive around the 1500kW to 2200kW range. Seven responses were initially received, and in August 2011 it was announced that four short-listed companies - Bombardier (Europe), Progress Rail (USA), National Rail Equipment Corporation (USA) and CSR Qishuyan (China) - had been selected to proceed to formal tenders. On 13 December 2011 it was announced that Progress Rail (part of the Caterpillar group, and owner of EMD), in conjunction with its Australian partner Downer Rail had been awarded the contract to construct 17 locomotive of their PR22L model. The contract is worth more than $60million

The first two locomotives (TR01 and TR04) were delivered to Tasmania in November 2013, with subsequent batches of locomotives following every few months. The final locos were delivered in mid 2014.

Following commissioning and testing, the locomotives gradually entered ad-hoc service from March 2014 and full commercial service from May 2014.

The locomotives can be modified from 18 tonne axle load (108t gross) to 16 tonne axle load (96t gross) for Melba line services by removing 1 tonne weight blocks from each of the four corners of the locomotive and limiting the overall fuel load.


Class photos, sounds and video

There are 27 matching items

Making its first trip outside the Launceston area, new loco TR04 trails DQ2006 at Relbia as the pair
TR04 and TR01 wait outside the Quick Fit at Brighton prior to commencing the days testing to Paratta
TR04 at Tea Tree, January 2014
TR01 at Tea Tree, January 2014
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In early February 2014, loco TR06 made a short publicity tour with public displays at Burnie, Wester
In early February 2014, loco TR06 made a short publicity tour with public displays at Burnie, Wester
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The TR class locomotives are fitted with these stickers on the underframe as a
Drivers side of TR11, June 2014
TR01 from above showing the dynamic brake grids, horns and radiators, June 2014
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TR13 and TR16 lead train #731 through Littlehampton, January 2015. The vertical stripes on the cab f
TR16 as trailing unit on train #731, January 2015
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TR14 and TR01 undergoes servicing at Brighton, January 2015
A quiet Sunday afternoon in March 2015 saw three pairs of TR locos clustered in Brighton yard after
TR06 and TR16 wait at the head of train 132 in Brighton yard, March 2015
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Train 534 slowly rolls down the grade east of Brighton yard on a hot 23 November 2017. The mixed con


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